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Article: Would you like to work from home despite having a family?

Möchtest du trotz Familie entspannt Zuhause arbeiten?

Would you like to work from home despite having a family?

Do you also work from home? Despite or because of your family? I have my workshop at home and I love it.

Yes, it is really practical and pleasant. I don't have to struggle through traffic in the morning. I don't have to rush home afterwards to be there for the children in time. I don't need to look after the dog. I don't have to pay extra rent for a workshop. I can also do something in between. If I feel like it, I sit down at the workbench in the evening and continue working.

Working with family also requires a lot of organization

So far so good. But as we all know, every sunny side has its downsides. And that includes working from home. First of all, you should get that clear for yourself. So now 8 to 12 is working time. Then you should also tell the rest of your "roommates", i.e. family members.

My two sons have been saying for a long time in kindergarten and school: “Mummy is ONLY at home." I don't know where this comes from, but for children being at home doesn't mean working. I didn't care what the two of them said outside the house. The bigger problem was that they thought I didn't work at home and was therefore always available for them.


Now I've started closing my door to give myself some spatial boundaries. I generally think that's a good thing. I also do it when I'm home alone and working. It gives me the feeling of being in another world. Not really at home, but at work. That might sound a bit strange to you. But it works well for me.

I usually only work at times when my children are out of the house anyway. That is, at school or with friends. So it's not such a big issue that they aren't allowed to "disturb" me. Because I think the good thing about working from home is that I can work more flexibly.

But when I'm preparing for an exhibition or trade fair, it naturally happens that I work when my family is at home. Then that becomes an issue.

What do I do then? Let go!

Then I just send my boys to their father and see how he solves things. Or I let the children solve their problems and arguments themselves. That works well too. I just have to let go and trust the boys to do something. Then it works just as well. That is sometimes a learning process, even as a mother.

Lists are worth their weight in gold

Another useful option for me despite family at home Lists are also a good way to make progress. I write lists the night before, or often at breakfast, of the things I need to do for work. Originally I tried this with various computer programs. But now I'm back to the good old list. It simply works best for me. It's so hard to scribble on a computer.

This is how I stay focused, even with family. I don't forget my to-dos just because my little one comes home at lunchtime or my husband calls me in the morning and asks me to do this or that.

What I have experienced is that working from home is a learning process for the whole family. For the most part, I think it's good. I couldn't imagine it any other way at the moment. I don't know yet whether I will work from home for the rest of my life. But now it's just right.

What about you? Do you work from home? Have you worked from home? Would you like to work from home?

See you soon!

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