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Wildkräuter Symbolik: Entdecke die 7 essentiellen Pflanzen

Wild herbs and their mysterious symbolism: Discover the 7 essential plants

In nature there is a fascinating variety of plants that delight us not only with their beauty and color, but also with their symbolic meaning and the healing powers they carry. In my garden and ...

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Spiritueller Schmuck: Blätter mit Bedeutung

Spiritual jewelry: leaves with meaning

A few years ago I started incorporating leaves into my jewelry. But to me they are much more than just leaves. They have a more important - even spiritual - meaning that goes beyond their green ap...

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Wasserfester Schmuck, kann ich mit den Schmuckstücken baden?

Waterproof jewelry, can I swim with the jewelry?

I am often asked: "Is your jewelry waterproof?" Let us be open and lay all the facts on the table. To be honest, I don't like the term "waterproof" that much for jewelry. After all, jewelry is ...

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Gerda Holzmann von Grüne Kraft verbindet Wildkräuter mit Energetik

Gerda Holzmann combines wild herbs with energetics

This interview with Gerda Holzmann is part of a series of interviews with women who feel as connected to nature as I do. I speak to different women and their approach to nature and life. Live you...

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Bianca von Naturespiritauraspray | die leichte Art der Selbstheilung

Bianca from Naturespiritauraspray | the easy way of self-healing

This interview with Bianca Aberle from Naturespiritauraspray is part of a series of interviews with women who feel as connected to nature as I do. I speak to different women and their approach to ...

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Hopfenblatt: Die verborgene Symbolik hinter einem unscheinbaren Blatt

Hop leaf: The hidden symbolism behind an inconspicuous leaf

The hop leaf - an unassuming leaf of a widespread plant that is best known for beer production. But the hop leaf has more to offer than just its contribution to the popular barley juice. It is imb...

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Schmuckaufbewahrung: Wie du deine Schätze strahlend schön hältst

Jewellery storage: How to keep your treasures radiantly beautiful

Welcome to another post that revolves around one of my favorite topics: jewelry! Today I want to talk to you about the right jewelry storage and give you valuable tips on how to keep your precious ...

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Löwenzahn | Heilkraut und Unkraut, geliebt oder gehasst

Dandelion | Medicinal herb and weed, loved or hated

Dandelion - a plant that has been with me since my childhood and fills my heart with joy. When I think of my early days in the meadow, I vividly remember picking the yellow heads of the dandelions....

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Die Petersilienhochzeit | schenke Freude mit einem einzigartigen Schmuck Unikat!

The Parsley Wedding | give joy with a unique piece of jewelry!

The parsley wedding marks a very special milestone in marriage - 12.5 years full of love, connection and shared experiences. This special day is often celebrated with joy and gratitude and is an oc...

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Die Pappel: Ein Baum voller Symbolik und Spirit

The poplar: a tree full of symbolism and spirit

When I think of poplar trees, I always feel a sense of calm and wonder. There is something magical and mystical about their majesty and the gentle rustling of the wind. As a child, I spent many ho...

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Alex | Die Kräutermadame | verliebt in den Geschmack von Wildpflanzen

Alex | The herbalist | in love with the taste of wild plants

This interview with Alexandra Klein from Die Kräutermadame is part of a series of interviews with women who feel as connected to nature as I do. I speak to different women and their approach to nat...

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Petersilie: 3 gute Gründe, warum du sie auch öfter essen solltest.

Parsley: 3 reasons why you should eat it more often!

Parsley is not only a popular herb in the kitchen, but also a real superfood with many health benefits. I love parsley and it is a tasty addition to almost every dish. Parsley: 3 good reasons why...

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